Is Specialty Track Conversion Right For Me?: Your Ultimate What’s What Decision-Making Guide

Looking to free up more space in your garage? Specialty track conversion might be for you. Also known as high-lift conversion, specialty track conversion is a great way to increase your garage’s overhead storage, add to the perceived height and depth of your garage space, and even add a car lift! In this article, we’ll be discussing what specialty track conversion is and explaining the benefits of specialty track conversion for long-term use.

What Is A Specialty Track?

Much like the name suggests, a specialty track is a type of garage door track that is specialized to perform a specific function. Overhead door tracks come in a variety of sizes and lift types to best accommodate the needs of your garage door system.

Track Sizes

There are three common track sizes– one-inch, two-inch, and three-inch. Garage door tracks that are one inch in width are typically used to accommodate truck and semi-trailer door applications. That is, for example, work vehicles that utilize roll-up overhead doors like moving trucks, storage vehicles, shipment trucks, etc. Two-inch door tracks are used in your more standard residential and commercial garage door unit set-ups, and three-inch tracks are most commonly used for heavier residential garage door styles and industrial installations.

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Track Lift Types

Manufacturers make garage door tracks with three lift types in mind– standard lift, vertical lift, and high lift. Standard lift tracks are extremely common in residential homes. These tracks include vertical and horizontal sections that lift your garage door before reclining it backward toward your ceiling. Vertical tracks include a lengthier vertical track so that your garage door is lifted higher before reclining. High lift tracks combine the features of standard and vertical tracks and include an even longer vertical track section so that your garage door reclines higher toward the ceiling to allow for more space inside your garage.

Track Lift Types

Manufacturers make garage door tracks with three lift types in mind– standard lift, vertical lift, and high lift. Standard lift tracks are extremely common in residential homes. These tracks include vertical and horizontal sections that lift your garage door before reclining it backward toward your ceiling. Vertical tracks include a lengthier vertical track so that your garage door is lifted higher before reclining. High lift tracks combine the features of standard and vertical tracks and include an even longer vertical track section so that your garage door reclines higher toward the ceiling to allow for more space inside your garage.

Specialty Track Conversion

Now that we’ve got the fundamentals down, the question you may be asking now is, “How do I convert my standard or vertical overhead door tracks to accommodate a high-lift overhead door system?” 

Track lift types are what actually allow your garage door to convert. By swapping out your previous tracks, adding additional vertical tracks, and all new hardware, our experts are able to transform your standard garage door lift system into a vertical or high lift reclining system. While standard tracks can be converted into either type, we’ll be discussing high-lift track conversions more in this article, as this option is more optimal for those seeking a one-time space-increasing solution.

Benefits of Specialty Track Conversion

There are many benefits to specialty track conversion. For one, you get to enjoy your new garage door system, brand new hardware, and all new garage door opener! If you’re fond of shiny new gadgets and enjoy learning and exploring new systems like we do then you’ll have lots of fun discovering all of the added benefits of your high-lift garage door on your own. But for now, here’s our list of some of the top benefits of high-lift conversion:

  • More overhead garage space
  • All new hardware 
  • Brand new opener software and accessories
  • No bulky garage door opener overhead
  • Ability to install a car lift and fit more vehicles into your garage
  • More storage opportunities
  • No short-term need for garage door repairs
  • Ability to enjoy a more open concept garage 
  • Less visual clutter
  • Room to store your vehicle without removing bike racks or other car-mounted items 
  • And more!

Is Specialty Track Conversion an Emergency Service?

We know that a new system installation can be exciting. But it’s important to remember that specialty track conversion is not an emergency service. These kinds of adjustments require thorough measurements and planning to avoid installation errors. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to receive an initial consultation to determine just how high we are able to lift your garage door depending on the height and depth of your interior garage space. High-lift conversions take time, but they are well worth the effort and we appreciate your patience while we work efficiently and with integrity.

Schedule Your Specialty Track Conversion With Us!

J.A.G and Sons is happy to serve our neighbors in North Haven and West Haven CT with quality, friendly service. Contact us today to discuss our specialty track conversion services. We’ll dispatch one of our expert technicians to conduct your initial consultation and discuss how a high-lift garage door will positively impact your family!

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19 Atwood Pl, West Haven, CT 06516
8 Ansonia Dr North Haven, CT 06473